BigPogo was launched by Yağız Gür, Yunus Demirel and Baran Can Kulaz in August 2020. It inspires its vision from the four colors of the word “POGO”:
• Coral Red
• Amber Yellow
• Coral Green
• Asparagus Green
BigPogo received its first investment from Games United in May 2021 and the follow-on investment in September 2021 for casual game development. In March 2022, the development team launched “Royal Legends” for data improvement tests.
At the same time, BigPogo's evolution from a game studio into a creative studio started with a big milestone of Pogo: Tulipland Universe!
Tulipland Universe is created by BigPogo.
Today BigPogo is not just a game studio but a creative studio. After developing its casual game, it created its own “cartoon universe” and yeah... BigPogo is thrilled to publish the comic book of the Tulipland... coming soon, the Tulipland Motion Comic and more news from Tulipland!
Stay tuned and take care!
Bu girişime ait ekip bilgilerini görüntülemek için hemen kayıt ol.
Hemen Kayıt OlBu girişime ait önemli gelişmeleri görüntülemek için hemen kayıt ol.
Hemen Kayıt OlBu girişime ait yatırım bilgilerine erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.
Hemen Paketleri İnceleBu girişime ait dokümanlara erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.
Hemen Paketleri İncele14 Haziran 2021
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