Blok-Z SaaS for energy providers to sell green energy services.

  • Girişimin Bulunduğu Aşama Ödeyen Müşteriler
  • Girişimin Bulunduğu Sektör Enerji, Finans & Ödeme Sistemleri, SaaS & PaaS, Pazaryeri
  • Lokasyon Ankara, Türkiye
  • Kuruluş Tarihi Ocak 2018
  • Çalışan Sayısı 4-10
  • Web Adresi
  • Sosyal Medya
  • Bu startup şirketleşmiştir.
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Girişim Özeti

Blok-Z is an energy software startup based in Germany and Turkey. We build blockchain based white-label solutions for energy retailers to verify the origin of the renewable energy they offer to their customers in real-time without the risk of green-washing.

İş Modeli

Our white-label platform is integrated, customised and branded by our customers who will pay a custom monthly plan based on number and type of their users.

Pazar ve Rekabet

What's your total addressable market (TAM) like?
The global renewable energy tracking market is estimated to be worth US$1.2bn while the market for demand-side flexibility and collective self-consumption is more than US$12bn. This results in a total market size of US$13.2bn.
Serviceable Available Market (SAM)
Blok-Z’s primary route to market is a business-to-business software-as-a-service strategy, enabling energy providers to offer smart digital energy services to their customers. Initially, we will be targeting Europe which has over 4400 energy providers with an estimated US$3.3bn serviceable available market.
Serviceable Obtainable Market
Blok-Z is targeting 5% of the serviceable available market, which would equate to US$165m.
What market segment are you targeting?
Users of our platform include residential/commercial consumers, energy retailers, suppliers, prosumers, commercial producers and electric vehicle owners. We are planning to start with suppliers to onboard their customers to our platform. Next we are also planning to onboard small to large-scale producers to join our platform to allow them to trade directly with those consumers.
What are some important market trends for your products/services? Why Now?
Renewables have become an exceptionally attractive source of energy driven mostly by the past decade’s unprecedented fall in renewable energy costs and the increasing demand for corporate sustainability among consumers and investors.
In addition to the social and environmental benefits of cutting emissions, there are untapped economic benefits to sourcing renewables which include long-term price stability, security of supply and cost savings. Customers of energy providers are increasingly demanding localized and real-time sustainability services to fulfill their corporate or individual sustainability goals since they do not have the ability or funds to procure renewable energy alone. More and more individuals and companies are actively and voluntarily procuring renewable energy. Moreover, companies in certain regions are facing regulatory pressure to meet ever-increasing climate targets. These trends are turning renewables into the preferred energy choice for companies.
The market size for monitoring, reporting and verifying renewable energy is estimated to be US$1.2bn and is expected to grow dramatically due to binding renewable energy targets (32% for Europe by 2030). The long-term outlook is extremely positive with the share of renewable energy use in industry expected to more than triple from 18% (in 2015) to two-thirds by 2050.
The market size for tracking renewable energy is US$1.2bn and is expected to grow dramatically due to binding renewable energy targets (32% for Europe by 2030). The share of renewable energy use in industry expected to more than triple from 18% (in 2015) to two-thirds by 2050.

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Erişimini kolayca sağla!

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Hemen Kayıt Ol
Kayıt ol, önemli gelişmelere erişim sağla!
Kayıt ol, önemli gelişmelere erişim sağla!

Bu girişime ait önemli gelişmeleri görüntülemek için hemen kayıt ol.

Hemen Kayıt Ol
Hesabını yükselt, yatırımlara erişim sağla!
Hesabını yükselt, yatırımlara erişim sağla!

Bu girişime ait yatırım bilgilerine erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.

Hemen Paketleri İncele
Hesabını yükselt, dokümanlara erişim sağla!
Hesabını yükselt, dokümanlara erişim sağla!

Bu girişime ait dokümanlara erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.

Hemen Paketleri İncele


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