heybooster is the next marketing intelligence that helps non-technical marketers by analyzing all marketing data and prioritizing actions that need to be taken to achieve business goals.
Although the success of a business is measured by one north star metric, there are a lot of dependent parameters needed to improve and also actions that must be taken to enhance the performance. heybooster has the innovative vision to build a habit of taking data-driven action in marketing teams and presenting their KPI progress following their action.
heybooster is not an analytics platform like Google Analytics, Mixpanel, etc. On the contrary, we are aiming to change the manner of analyzing because, as a marketing backgrounded team, we know that without any action, all the analysis, reports, dashboards are just a couple of fancy meeting stuff.
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Hemen Kayıt OlBu girişime ait yatırım bilgilerine erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.
Hemen Paketleri İnceleBu girişime ait dokümanlara erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.
Hemen Paketleri İnceleBu özellik çok yakında aktif olacak. Bu ve diğer tüm yeniliklerden haberdar olmak için bizi takip edebilirsin.