HOM PLATFORM is an end-to-end guest management system helping hoteliers digitize their hotel processes, increase profitability, improve performance, and offer an elevated guest experience.
The Hom Platform allows hoteliers to achieve an elevated contactless guest experience, provide upsell services and personalize their communication with guests, without compromising on quality.
Best For
-3,4,5 star hotels with the number of rooms bigger than 35. -Resort Hotels, City Hotels, Local Hotels Chains, Independent Hotels, Branded chains who are franchise.
We invoice hotel businesses on a monthly basis, starting from €3.9 per room * number of rooms. Free for users.
According to the data of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism on March 8, 2021 in Turkey, the Total Number of Facilities in Turkey: 13,959. Turkey ranks 21st in the list of countries with the most star hotels in the world with 4,944 facilities, and 12th in the list of 5-star hotels with 705 hotels.
There are a total of 1 million 73 thousand 500 accommodation facilities in the world in various statuses. 402 thousand 933 of them are in the quality of star hotels.
436 thousand of them, which make up 41 percent of the total hotels worldwide, are in the USA. 402 thousand 933 of them, which constitute 41 percent of the total accommodation facilities, are in the quality of star hotels. 57 percent of the world's star hotels are located in Europe. Of the 402,933 star hotels in the world, 24,923 are 5-star, 2,189 of them are in China.
Bu girişime ait ekip bilgilerini görüntülemek için hemen kayıt ol.
Hemen Kayıt OlBu girişime ait önemli gelişmeleri görüntülemek için hemen kayıt ol.
Hemen Kayıt OlBu girişime ait yatırım bilgilerine erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.
Hemen Paketleri İnceleBu girişime ait dokümanlara erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.
Hemen Paketleri İnceleBu girişim ile ilgili henüz bir haber yayınlanmadı.
Bu özellik çok yakında aktif olacak. Bu ve diğer tüm yeniliklerden haberdar olmak için bizi takip edebilirsin.