PlayDecent is a tech and media startup focused on bridging the gap between professional esports and personal gameplay with easy interface, centralized data structure and AI-based matchmaking tools. It also provides data-driven & automated solutions to brands,agencies & players to organize their own events.
Playdecent is at the moment one of the 5 esports infrastructure platforms in the world, which is connected to game companies and game related platforms with API's, hence scalable...There is much more under the hood. For more info please contact us.
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Hemen Kayıt OlBu girişime ait yatırım bilgilerine erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.
Hemen Paketleri İnceleBu girişime ait dokümanlara erişebilmek için üyeliğinizi premium hesaplardan birine yükseltin.
Hemen Paketleri İnceleBu girişim ile ilgili henüz bir haber yayınlanmadı.
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